
Friday, July 28, 2017


WALT practice making inferences based on clues in the text


  • Identify key words
  • Activate prior knowledge about the topic
  • Make an educated guess about the question
  • Explain your answer
On reading we had to use our prior knowledge to find out the answer. With the clues we were able to get the answers, But we had to make our own. So sometimes you had to put yourself in the objects point of few to create the clues. I did well using my head to think, And putting myself others shoes gave the idea of how they might fell. The bad thing is that I was running out of ideas making my own because everybody kept stealing my idea.

E.G:I help people go to place to place. You would mostly see me in the sky "What am I?".
I'm an airplane


AWS Level 3 - Sheet 3
Task 5
WALT name, describe and draw 2D shapes

  • Recall and discuss prior knowledge of shapes
  • Name shapes based on how many sides each has
  • Draw shapes
We were learning all the techniques to find out the 3D shapes,Octagon,Hexagon,Nonagon and more. The techniques we used were Hexagon sounded like 6 so the shape with 6 sides was the Hexagon. I found the 2D shapes easy at first but when it got to the end it was confusing. But with the techniques that Mr Edwards gave to us was realyl helpful I was able to at least get one wrong but everything right.
Image result for nonagon